
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

intellectual property

It would be in the fitness of thing to understand the concept of property before proceeding to the concept of intellectual property rights. simply stated property means anything that is capable of providing ownership to a particular person.thus, the ownership is critical to the concept of property.ownership means right to possess, use and dispose of the property  at the desire of the owner. if any law does not recognize the ownership, the concept of property is useless. Therefore, in the legal sense, property refers to the bundle of rights that the law confers on a person of virtue of ownership. Because of the rights, owner of a property can excesses the rights of possession, use enjoyment of its fruits/benefits, exclusion of others from use/enjoyment and transfer of rights  to others.

IPRs means the legal rights which result from the intellectual activities of human being. Such rights govern and protect the interests and rights of the people creating them.Image result for intellectual property rights

                kinds of intellectual property Rights
The convention establishing the world Intellectual property organization (WIPO) concluded at Stockholm on 14 July 1967, in article 2(8), define intellectual property rights as rights relating to the following:
(1) Literary,artistic and scientific works.
(2) Performances of performing artists, phonographs  and broadcasts.
(3) Inventions in all fields of human endeavour. 
(4) Scientific discoveries.
(5) Industrial designs.
(6) Trade marks, service marks and commercial names and designations.
(7) Protection again unfair competition.
(8) All other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.

Industrial intellectual property can be broadly divided into two categories (1) Idustrial property
                                                                                                                                (2) Letrary property

 (1) Industrial property :-the expression"industrial property'' is used in two contexts. First in business context and second is legal context. in business context industrial property means the movable and immovable property used in industrial activities and processes.  such property includes land ,building,machinery,furniture etc, in legal context , industrial property is a kind of intellectual property.
 industrial property consists of signs transmitting information to consumers regards to products and services offered on the marketplace. it also covers the measures of protections directed against the unauthorized use of  signs which are likely to mislead consumers and mislead practice in general.

 (2) Letrary property:- litrary property means the property arising out of litrary and artistic work as well as from the performance of the rights of performing artists (music,drama and dance,film,music work etc.


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